Outdoor Sports Complex
Well equipped & in natural setting outdoor sports. School hosts and participates in various sports activities to incorporate a healthy lifestyle.
Cricket is one of the favourites and well-played game. Cricket is a professional outdoor game played especially by the boys of many countries on national and international level. It is a most famous and passionate sports of India for many years. All the Laws, rules and regulation are maintained by the International Cricket Council. The CIS offers proper ground with all international rules and norms.

The CIS Basketball Class regroups both athletes’ boys and girls, offer 2 outdoor courts.Basketball involves a lot of starting and stopping and a great workout that helps the players to burn calories, build endurance, improve balance and coordination, build up muscles, develop concentration and self-discipline.

Football is one of the most entertaining games of the world. It is played by the youths in various countries with full interest. It has two big aspects; one is health and other is financial. It makes a person physically, mentally and financially strong as this game has lots of health benefits with a nice career. In CIS Football is one of the successful games among all.

CIS have 2 volleyball courts. Like any other sports it also requires stamina, agility, and endurance and to help the players achieve these objectives.

Kabaddi is a popular contact sport in first originated in Ancient India.overall object of the game is to simply score more points than the opposition team within the allotted time. To do this, each team must attempt to score points by both attacking and defending. When attacking, the offensive team sends across a raider into the opposition’s half who must touch one or more members of the opposition to score a point. When defending, the objective is to capture the raider by wrestling them to the ground or simply by preventing them returning to their own half by the time their breath is up.

Kho -Kho ranks as one of the most popular traditional sports in India. It does, however, demand physical fitness, strength, speed and stamina, and a certain amount of ability. Dodging, feinting and bursts of controlled speed make this game quite thrilling to catch by the pursuit-to chase, rather than just run is the capstone of kho-kho. The game develops qualities such as obedience, discipline, sportsmanship, and loyalty between team members.

400m Athletics Track
Athletics is considered to be mother of all games and is in fact, the way of living and not just a sport. An Athlete is an all-round sportsperson with skills for cricket, football, tennis and has immense control of his body and senses. Athletics not only builds you physically but it helps in body coordination and gives you mental stiffness. Athletics is an exclusive collection of sporting events that involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking. The CIS conducts athletics competitions like track and field, road running, cross country running, and races.

Cross Fit Court for Primary
Outdoor play provides children with an opportunity to grow, learn and play. It stimulates their minds and provides for their cognitive and physical development. Creative outdoor space enhances learner’s educational and social experiences. We strongly believe that the outdoor time spent by students is crucial, so it is important to provide them with an appealing and stimulating outdoor arena where they can play, learn and have fun.